Realtor/Buyer/Seller Resources

Harbour Island$1,448$5,792
Marsh Landing Master Association$ 990$3,960
*ICW Bulkhead Yearly Assessment N/A$5.50/linear foot
*The ICW (Intracoastal) Bulkhead Assessment is typically billed during the month of July.  This charge only applies to the 37 homes in Harbour Island which front on the ICW and is calculated by linear square foot of bulkhead behind your property.

Capital Contribution Program
  • The Capital Contribution fee is charged when a new home buyer purchases a home in Marsh Landing.
  • The fee is 1 times the current Master annual assessment (dues), payable at the time of home sale closing. Current Marsh Landing homeowners that move out of one residence in Marsh Landing to another residence in Marsh Landing within 120 days are exempt from this fee. 
  • The Capital Contribution fee will be shared with the respective sub-HOA: 80% to the Master; 20% to the sub-HOA for their reserve funds.